We'll Show You How You Can Add
Another 6 FIGURES IN YEARLY PROFIT To Your Ohio Funeral Home

With No Extra Work & Zero Investment

We'll Show You How You Can Add Another

To Your Ohio Funeral Home

With No Extra Work
& Zero Investment


Do you get asked by the families you serve if you sell monuments?

When this occurs, maybe you just tell them "No", and they go on their way...

...Or maybe you give them a printed list of the 3 nearby monument companies...

...Or maybe you refer them directly to another monument company and get a $300 kick back if the family purchases.

...Or perhaps you sell monuments, but it is not an efficient, predictable process that's worth your time because of the way it is structured.


One that allows you to help your family while increasing profit & average sale value.

Imagine that for every family that inquired about a monument, you had a few solutions to present that would fit their needs...

...and imagine that you could sell that monument at your own marked up retail price...

...PROFITING $1,100 - $2,800 PER SALE...

The best part? You wouldn't have to worry about ongoing customer support, cemetery coordination, monument designs, etc. You know, the TIME-CONSUMING things :)

Now, imagine you ask every family that you serve (even those who are preplanning) if they will be in need of a monument. Hint: many of them are.

At an average profit margin of $2,100 per monument sold, helping just 4 families per month would add another $100,000 in YEARLY PROFIT to your funeral home.

Your families already know, like, and trust you. They're looking for monument solutions...

Why not your company be the one to help them and profit in the process?



Do you get asked by the families you serve if you sell monuments?

When this occurs, maybe you just tell them "No", and they go on their way...

...Or maybe you give them a printed list of the 3 nearby monument companies...

...Or maybe you refer them directly to another monument company and get a $300 kick back if the family purchases.

...Or perhaps you sell monuments, but it is not an efficient, predictable process that's worth your time because of the way it is structured.



One that allows you to help your family while increasing profit & average sale value.

Imagine that for every family that inquired about a monument, you had a few solutions to present that would fit their needs...

...and imagine that you could sell that monument at your own marked up retail price...

$1,100 - $2,800

The best part? You wouldn't have to worry about ongoing customer support, cemetery coordination, monument designs, etc. You know, the TIME-CONSUMING things :)

Now, imagine you ask every family that you serve (even those who are preplanning) if they will be in need of a monument.
Hint: many of them are.

At an average profit margin of $2,100 per monument sold, helping just 4 families per month would add another $100,000 in YEARLY PROFIT to your funeral home.

Your families already know, like, and trust you. They're looking for monument solutions...

Why not your company be the one to help them and profit in the process?


A Simple 3 Step Process For Your Funeral Home

Step 1

Present Options

Present monument packages to your family.
We provide you with all the needed marketing materials and package information.

Step 2

Collect Payment

Collect your retail payment from your family.
We will send you a wholesale invoice to pay.
You keep the difference as company profit.

Step 3

Submit Online Form

Fill out your order form online, choosing which monument package your family purchased.
We'll take it from here :)

A Simple 3 Step Process For Your Funeral Home

Step 1

Present Options

Present monument packages to your family. We provide you with all the needed marketing materials and package information.

Step 2

Collect Payment

Collect your retail payment from your family. We will send you a wholesale invoice to pay. You keep the difference as company profit.

Step 3

Submit Online Form

Fill out our order form online, choosing which monument package your family purchased. We'll take it from here :)

We take care of all fulfillment so that you can focus on what you do best - funeral services.

  • Monument Art Design

  • Ongoing Customer Service & Support

  • Cemetery Coordination

  • Concrete Foundation

  • Sourcing Granite

  • Monument Engraving

  • Monument Installation

We take care of all fulfillment so that you can focus on what you do best.

We'll Handle:

  • Monument Art Design

  • Ongoing Customer Service

  • Cemetery Coordination

  • Concrete Foundation

  • Sourcing Granite

  • Monument Engraving

  • Monument Installation

About FH Monuments

FH Monuments is a division of Stoltz Memorials, an established monument company that helps families all throughout Ohio with their memorial needs. Stoltz Memorials was founded by myself, Ashlin Stoltz, in 2019.

In the early days of the company, my team and I called on a small number of Ohio funeral homes to see who was (and was not) already selling monuments to families. To our surprise, many funeral homes did not offer monument options. They all offered caskets, urns, jewelry, and more....but many of them did not offer monuments.

When asked why, the responses were all very similar. "Don't want to deal with cemeteries", "Don't want to deal with the customer service and support that goes into it", "Don't want our staff spending time on monument drawings and artwork"

The list of fulfillment tasks that funeral homes did not want to deal with went on and on...

So I went back to my team to see how we could create an extremely efficient process and streamline a system for funeral homes to SELL monuments, but not have to deal with all the time-consuming tasks that accompany the process of selling a monument. The main goal when creating the system was to remove the funeral home entirely from the fulfillment process once their family had purchased a monument so that the funeral home could go back to their regular operations: funeral services.

From this idea, another division of the company, FH Monuments, was formed. FH Monuments only wholesales monuments to funeral homes in Ohio. Our plug-and-play system is designed so that your funeral home does not need advanced product knowledge or to be an expert in the monument industry. Rather, our system can be implemented into your funeral home as another revenue source for a product that many of your families will already be purchasing in the future.

Our goal with FH Monuments is to become a go-to name with funeral homes that allows them to offer yet another needed service to their families so that they can continue to serve at the highest levels possible.

If you have even the smallest amount of curiosity as to how the our system works and how you too might be able to add another $50,000, $75,000, or yes, even another $100,000+ in annual PROFIT (not gross revenue...but PROFIT) to your company, I invite you to schedule a demo with me. I promise you'll be glad you did.

Wishing your funeral home continued success.
- Ashlin

FH Monuments

FH Monuments is a division of Stoltz Memorials, an established monument company that helps families all throughout Ohio with their memorial needs. Stoltz Memorials was started by myself, Ashlin Stoltz, in 2019.

In the early days of the company, my team and I called on a small number of Ohio funeral homes to see who was (and was not) already selling monuments to families. To our surprise, many funeral homes did not offer monument options. They all offered caskets, urns, jewelry, and more....but many of them did not offer monuments.

When asked why, the responses were all very similar. "Don't want to deal with cemeteries", "Don't want to deal with the customer service and support that goes into it", "Don't want our staff spending time on monument drawings and artwork"

The list of fulfillment tasks that funeral homes did not want to deal with went on and on...

So I went back to my team to see how we could create an extremely efficient process and streamline a system for funeral homes to SELL monuments, but not have to deal with all the time-consuming tasks that accompany the process of selling a monument. The main goal when creating the system was to remove the funeral home entirely from the fulfillment process once their family had purchased a monument so that the funeral home could go back to their regular operations: funeral services.

From this idea, another division of the company, FH Monuments, was formed. FH Monuments only wholesales monuments to funeral homes in Ohio. Our plug-and-play system is designed so that your funeral home does not need advanced product knowledge or to be an expert in the monument industry. Rather, our system can be implemented into your funeral home as another revenue source for a product that many of your families will already be purchasing in the future.

Our goal with FH Monuments is to become a go-to name with funeral homes that allows them to offer yet another needed service to their families so that they can continue to serve at the highest levels possible.

If you have even the smallest amount of curiosity as to how the our system works and how you too might be able to add another $50,000, $75,000, or yes, even another $100,000+ in annual

PROFIT (not gross revenue...but PROFIT) to your company, I invite you to schedule a demo with me.

I promise you'll be glad you did.

Wishing your funeral home continued success.


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